NeuroRehabLab (c) 2016
Generation of a personalized cognitive rehabilitation based on individual profiling.
Please select the appropriate level of the training in each of the cognitive domains.
Patient name:
Attention level: 3
Memory level: 3
Executive function level: 3
Language level: 3
Difficulty level: 3
Only generate tasks closely matching the profile
Generation of a simple one page document with a custom made parametrized numer sequencing task.
Sequence length:
Number of missing elements:
Sequence step size:
Sequence order:
Position of missing elements:
Generation of a simple one page document with a list of problems to solve.
Problem length:
Number of digits:
Type of problem:
Generation of a simple one page text document with a custom made parametrized cancellation task
Total number of elements:
Percentage of target elements:
Target size:
Content type:
Organization type:
Generation of a simple one page text document with a parametrized association task
Total number of associations:
Image type:
Generation of a simple one page text document with a parametrized context understanding task. Indicate whether the statements are correct or incorrect.
Total number of statements:
Generation of a simple one page text document with a parametrized image pairs memorizing task.
Total number of image pairs:
Image type:
Generation of a simple one page text document with a parametrized word search task.
Total number of words:
Show cues:
Generation of a simple one page text document with a custom made parametrized labyrinth task
Total number of layers:
Generation of a simple one page text document with a parametrized categorization task
Total number of categories:
Number of elements per category:
Generation of a simple one page text document with a parametrized action sequencing task
Action type:
Number of elements:
Generation of a simple one page text document with a parametrized memory recall task
Story type:
Total number of questions:
NeuroRehabLab (c) 2016